Population service of the canton of Vaud

Assessment for work and residence permits

The Population Service of the canton of Vaud (SPOP) is responsible, among other things, for implementing legislation on migration (foreign nationals and asylum seekers). Given the complexity of this area and the constant changes to the law, the SPOP wanted to set up a tool to test eligibility for a permit. We created a multilingual chatbot that uses simple questions to explain the steps to be taken in each situation to apply for a residence permit. The challenge was to cover the entire field in the bot, while supporting users with the smallest possible number of questions.

Datesince 2023
Solutionweb portal, digitisation
Domain cantonal administration
Objectivesimplify access to administrative services

Key points

  • Five languages, one bot
  • 1000 sessions per month
  • Created and updated by business teams